Over the past three years, as part of the Restoring of The World of Fantasy project, the Karel Zeman Museum has digitally restored three films by Karel Zeman selected from the Golden Treasury of Czech Cinematography: Invention for Destruction (2015), The Fabulous Baron Munchausen (2016) and Journey to the Beginning of Time (2019). The owner of the rights to these digitally restored films is the Karel Zeman Museum. If you are interested in other titles by Karel Zeman, please contact the sales department of the National Film Archive (Lukáš Hanzal, lukas.hanzal@nfa.cz).
If you are interested in purchasing a license for projection of the restored films Invention for Destruction, The Fabulous Baron Munchausen, Journey to the Beginning of Time and The Stolen Airship, please contact us via email distribuce@muzeumkarlazemana.cz. Upon receipt of the order, we will contact you by email about the price, method of delivery and any other necessary information.