Karel Zeman Museum opens an exhibition on Monday, 3rd of May, 2021. In accordance with a government resolution, it is possible for museums and galleries in Prague and 6 other regions to open for the public.
The capacity limitation depends on the size of the public space of the Museum when 15 square meters must be available per visitor. At the same time, there are strict hygienic rules that must be complied with.
Please mind the rules when entering the Museum:
- Each visitor is allowed to the Museum in a respirator or nano face mask only
- Hand sanitizer will be available at the entrance
- The capacity of the Karel Zeman Museum will be limited to 11 visitors at the same time
- Please keep in mind, you have to keep a 2-meter distance from other visitors
*Covid-19 test is NOT required to enter the Museum
So tune in to the news we have prepared for you at the Karel Zeman Museum, and come to enjoy the fantastic world of Karel Zeman.
We are looking forward to you!