Two years of vacation, Jules Verne, Captain Nemo, steampunk machines… do you know what it all has in common? The Stolen Airship, an adventure film by cinematic genius Karel Zeman. After successfully restoring three films from Karel Zeman’s workshop over the last few years, we set our sights on this adventure film based on Jules Verne’s book Two Years’ Vacation. To make sure that The Stolen Airship does not end up in a drawer after its restoration, we want to let it fly through the cinemas of the Czech Republic, participate in international film festivals, and of course, get the film to your living rooms as well. But we need your help with all that.
Help us fly again!
Support our project at and claim rewards from the world of fantasy and from project partners. Help the Stolen Airship fly around the world!
I would like to help The Stolen Airship fly again
The money will be used to produce digital masters and cover the costs of distribution and translation into major languages. Help us get the distribution engines going so that this jewel of Czech cinematography can fly around the world again. Thank you!